Welcome to the NTT20 Podcast community

    Now join the chat groups and get involved.

  1. Install the Telegram messaging app for free:

    Install Telegram
  2. Join the chat groups on Telegram:

The NTT20 Podcast Community is hosted on the Telegram messaging app

Install Telegram for free on any phone or laptop:

What is Telegram, and why do I need to use it?

Telegram is a messaging app similar to WhatsApp that we use to host The NTT20 Podcast Community.

Why Telegram?

  1. Privacy: Telegram allows you to hide your email address and mobile number, which is important for privacy and security.
  2. Popularity: Telegram is used by hundreds of millions of people every month. More people have it on their phone and laptop every day.
  3. Security: Telegram allows us to ensure the community stays private and only accessible to those that have joined a free trial or subscribed.

Who are Levellr?

Levellr are a startup that helps creators build messaging communities.

We believe the future of connection is not being one of a million followers but being part of a positive, genuine and safe community.

Levellr provides a community manager in every group to help creators provide the best experience possible and to keep communities positive and safe at all times.

Ready to chat?

Chat with experts about how our tools and team can help your community.